EDIT : Le fichier autoexec par contre, tu peux le mettre à l'emplacement d'origin Comme ça tu peux avoir tes binds/crosshair/rates et autres alias dans ton autoexec tout en continuer de pouvoir modifier les paramètres du jeu via le menu. This is useful for KZ, and even in comp, when jumping on taller objects Suffit d'ajouter +exec autoexec dans les paramètres de lancement du jeu. This is useful for KZ, and even in comp, when jumping on taller objects. bind z use weapon_flashbang bind x use weapon_smokegrenade bind c use weapon_hegrenade bind v use weapon_molotov use weapon_incgrenad Here is a set of commands you can use in an exec / autoexec in order to crouch jump perfectly and consistently using a bind. bind t use weapon_knife use weapon_p250 use weapon_hkp2000 use weapon_glock use weapon_tec9 use weapon_fiveseven use weapon_deagle dropĬopy and paste the below command into your developer console or autoexec file to apply the nade binds. This bind will switch to your pistol and drop it automatically.

Tuto comment faire un autoexec sur csgo avec viewmodel rate crosshair etc ABONNE TOI ! MON TWITTER : FACEBOOK. If you prefer a visual reference, check out the video below After that, you can copy and paste your cfg file (usually in notepad or notepad ++) and create a new Autoexec file by deleting the info inside. To find or create an Autoexec folder (for the scripts), you'd need to go to the Steam folder, and from there, find your userdata/steam 64 ID/730/local/cfg. Just store your own autoexec file somewhere you can access it online and insert it into the. That's really handy in and of itself, but the cool thing is that this allows you to instantly load up your own settings anywhere. You need to hold down left click (causing your character to pull out the pin) on the grenade and then press your bind key An autoexec is basically a personal config file that you put in the game's files with your own personal settings (such as crosshair settings, buy binds, sensitivy, and so on) so that the game automatically loads these settings each time you start up the game. This bind will cause you to jump and throw the grenade you are currently holding - useful for smokes that require a lineup. If you wish to change your crosshair again type exec chscript in the console, change it, then type exec endchscript in the console again.This bind needs to be placed in your autoexec, or used each time you reopen CS:GO. This script will stop CHscript.cfg from using all the keys it uses. Now start up csgo and open the console with ~ and type exec endchscript.
#How to make an autoexec file csgo windows
Open Windows Explorer and go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\cfg or if you changed steam directory go to \steamapps\common\Counter-Strike Global Offensive\csgo\cfg then move endchscript.cfg to that folder. Now rename the file from New Text Document.txt to endchscript.cfg. Then make sure you can see file extensions. After examining the cfg file, I found that what you need to do is make a text file on your desktop (or anywhere) and open it with a text edit program.